Georgian Publishers and Booksellers Association

What is GPBA?

Georgian Publishers and Booksellers Association is a non-profit legal entity that operates according to Georgian Constitution and Legislation. According to the goals of the Association, its activities are performed on the whole territory of Georgia and abroad.

The association plays a key role in the development of Book Sector in Georgia

90 % of publishers which are registered in Georgia are members of the Association.

The Association defines and protects the interests of the book sector, copyright and freedom of printing in the field of publishing

Association is constantly working on the code of ethics and legislation to improve conditions in the book sector.



The objectives of the association are:

a)     Expressing the general interests of book publishers and distributors and their protection, based on the principles of free market and fair competition; 

b)     Protection of publishing freedom;

c)     Protection of copyright;

d)     Development and establishment of professional ethics standards;

e)     Representation of the book sector, as a field, at national, as well as at international level;

f)     Fostering the establishment and the development of a legislative base in the field of books that will be advantageous for the development of the field;

g)     Organization/popularization of national and international book markets, festivals, the day of books and copyright and other professional events related to books, as well as supporting the participation of Georgian publishers or distributors in the above-mentioned events.

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